Day 5 – Isvara Pranidhana

Isvara Pranidhana represents self-surrender. It’s the idea of deferring to something greater than ourselves. Whether you believe in God or simply the universe, it’s about letting go of your own ego and acknowledging an outside, guiding force. I woke up one last morning to the fog surrounding the mountains, and as I practiced yoga looking […]

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Day 3: Svadhyaya

My thoughts on Bhutan so far: It’s a land so steeped in history, traditions, gods, deities, kings. Symbols. Nature. There really is a feeling in the air of a greater power: that you are not alone. My focus for day 3 is svadhyaya, or self-study. At first it seems that all I can do is wonder […]

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Day 2: Sauca

I wake up and push back the curtains. The mountains have been there all night, but they still take me by surprise. They’re covered by thin clouds that look like smoke; the clouds move fast and by the time I make my tea and practice yoga, they’ve drifted enough so I can see the tallest […]

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