

So I’ve spent this week getting back to reality and everyday life. It was a good week. I saw my German friends, I saw the sun two days in a row, and I’ve been enjoying some thought-provoking podcasts on my lunchtime walks. I think it’s a combination of the love vibes and the Vitamin D reserves from California, but I’m really feeling positive, hopeful and ready to take on the year.

It’s been an introspective week. And I’d assume this month has been that way for most of us.

A new year!
A new start!

I’ve gathered a lot of articles about resolutions, life improvements, ways to make 2015 the best. year. ever. (I love how every year, it’s about making whatever year it is the best year ever! And I love even more when people say that it was an awful year at the end. At least they’re honest).

I’ve been thinking a lot about my resolution to work toward living a life of balance (I say work toward because I see it as a journey and a process that changes every year). For who I am right now, it means not being so uptight and strict with my schedule or my lifestyle, but also not completely going off the deep end when it’s time to relax.

Although I like the idea of 30 day challenges (and I feel like my year is usually 12 months of 30 day challenges), I want to know if it’s possible for me to live from day to day, month to month working hard, but also enjoying life at the same time.

I’d like to call it a 365 day challenge. It’s a big challenge, I know. It’s also hard to explain as this idea of balance is so different from person to person, and I think even from year to year for the same person.

While I’m on this elusive quest for balance, there are a few things I’d like to try to consider. Things that are important to my growth as a person. These are my resolutions. Some were pulled from articles, others I came up with on my own. I’ve already started mapping them out so I can incorporate them into my life throughout the year.

In no particular order of importance:

1. Put myself completely into projects that matter at work. Take time to brainstorm and think.
2. Think of areas of my life where I am devoid of charm. Fix them.
3. Get to know people better, especially people I think I don’t like.
4. Focus on the things I love to create: writing, art, photography, baking.
5. Spend time really studying the culture and language of places I travel.
6. Train with purpose. Recover with purpose.
7. Eat with intention and be thankful for my food.
8. Start the day with an intention (the same intention every day) and some stretches.

So, there they are. The most important things for me to do this year. It’s a bit tough to share this list because it’s so personal. Sure, there are a ton of other things I need to do more of, but they are all related somehow to these 8 resolutions.

Let’s do this 2015.

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