We’re in the midst of record-breaking hot weather here in Frankfurt. For the last two days, temps have been in the 100s and the only word I think when I step outside is “oppressive.”
Of course last weekend I went to look at fans, but decided to wait. When I went back yesterday, the only option was not the cute chrome fan I had my heart set on. And now I’m stuck with an ugly white plastic one.
The office dress code has become very relaxed.
Everyone stinks.
Everyone’s eating ice cream (I even broke down and did it!).
We’re all hanging out in our basements.
Work hours are skyrocketing and I thought about bringing my sleeping bag to the office for the weekend (one of the few places here with a/c).
When I was on the indescribably stifling tram this afternoon, sweat running down both legs, I was watching the tram driver. I thought I should have bought him a cool bottle of water; I can’t think of many places as awful as the enclosed cab of a tram in this heat.
The driver was so jolly though! He gave the “hang ten” hand gesture to the other tram drivers that passed. He talked to someone at every stop, passing on his infectious laughter.
And as I was watching him, thinking how he was making the best out of his situation, thinking I really should go get a cold water and bring it back to him, he picked up his coffee cup and took a big, long sip.
It had to be at least 120 degrees in that tram! And he was drinking coffee! Bleh!
The Iron Man is Sunday here. Given the choice of doing the Iron Man or being a tram driver in this weather, I’ll go with tram driver.