I went to the surgeon for my second bandage change today. Good news! I am allowed to get my finger wet (which includes the green light for showers and “sports”).
I was enjoying my little respite from those activities…well, the sports at least (don’t worry! I was still showering, with my hand in a ziploc bag).
I love how life tells you when you need to slow down, even if it’s without your consent. This week, I was walking more and enjoying some extra time at home in the evenings, rather than being at the gym.
I also went to another doctor to get bloodwork done for my application for private insurance.
Whenever I get blood taken, I start to think of everything that could be wrong with me, like how I would freak out right before I got my grades in school, convinced I had failed every class.
Of course the doctor handed me the results in German, which led to Googling and self-diagnosing.
All results were perfect, of course. Except he told me my kidney function was a bit high. I immediately started thinking, “my lifestyle is perfect and if I have issues, I don’t even want to know about the rest of humanity scarfing down croissants every morning.”
So, two doctors in one day. Kidney love necessary. Cleared for working out again. Although I might just continue my morning walks (no need to re-injure the pinky, It’s fragile).