I’m very lucky to have had my short trip to the US when I did. Although somehow I miraculously ended up being there on the one Sunday in the winter that no one cares about football (ProBowl), the Iowa caucuses and Groundhog Day somehow made up for it.
I managed to go to Whole Foods every day, church on Sunday, yoga on Monday, met up with one of my best friends from high school for a speed-dating version of catching up, and work in between.
I also managed to get some sort of stomach bug.
Loyal blog readers will remember January 2015, when I went back to California, and the same thing happened.
Now, this is the fifth time I’ve been back to the US since I moved in May of 2014, which means 40% of the time I go to the US, I get sick.
I felt a little off when the plane landed, but the sickness didn’t manifest itself for another day.
I would like to deduce that my system isn’t used to US food, but I just don’t think that’s it.
Can you get viruses on planes that often? I fly a lot, but the only times I’ve gotten sick were during US travel.
The food and health and physiology-obsessed nerd side of me wants some answers!
Must be the water!
HAHA that thought actually crossed my mind!