Why is it that December is always sickeningly busy?
My calendar has moths flying out of it for 11 months out of the year, but as soon as December hits, it’s like everyone comes out of the woodwork to…well…eat.
And don’t even get me started on the Christmas markets.
Yes, in theory, it’s a great idea: standing around drinking with friends.
But in 22 degree weather? Bah, humbug.
So this December I decided to set some goals and keep myself on track to reduce stress, to enjoy the season, and to stay on top of my game.
And I can already say that 5 days in and I haven’t veered off plan once! (OK, I actually started in November…)
Things I’m doing to stay sane this holiday season:
- I pulled out my 5 minute journal and I’m doing it every day as a way of being more aware & grateful. I do it in the morning with tea and in the evening right before bed. It helps keep me hopeful and appreciative.
- I’m walking every morning after I wake up. I listen to podcasts and breathe in the crisp air. The past few days, the sky has been clear and it’s just been me, the stars, the moon and the river.
- I’m going to more yoga classes. I used to avoid the German classes, but by now I’m comfortable and even enjoy them! Yin yoga is so calming.
- Happy light. Every. Morning.
- At the office, I’m not drinking coffee or picking at all the office “treats” lying around. I started drinking coffee and then realized I didn’t feel great, especially when coupled with stress from work. As for the treats, I’m just not interested in them right now. I bring an apple or almonds and I’m fine with that (note: this is not always the case, but I’m not craving treats right now, so I’m just going with it)
- I’m going to all the parties, dinners and hangouts, but I’m really asking myself what I feel like eating and drinking. And if I don’t feel like eating or drinking, I don’t. If I do, I do. I know, it’s a novel concept.
- I’m not trying to fit in all the things. If something doesn’t get done, I tell myself I can’t be perfect and move on.
- I’m taking time to really enjoy time with friends. Spontaneous meetups for tea or shopping on the weekends can do wonders for the soul.
There you have it. There are certainly more, but these are the main ways I’m staying focused, and makingĀ a conscious effort this time of year so I can stay happy and grounded.