A lawn party.


It’s been raining and grey nonstop here. So with a forecast for sun and the warmest temps we’ve had in a while (60s), I decided to plan a lawn party for Saturday night.

And while the pictures might look like a Pinterest fail, it was really charming and a lot of fun.


The friends who weren’t from the US hadn’t heard of koozies. So of course I pulled out the million koozies I shipped across the world (why?!) and made everyone use one. I even got to unload some as party favors.

By the end of the night, everyone either had a SC palm tree or an Orioles jersey on their drink.


Old friends came, new friends came, friends of friends came. It was such a mixed international group.

We grilled and feasted and played games.

It was a good old fashioned house party.



I warned my friends there wouldn’t be any unhealthy food. So of course the chips brought by everyone else were more popular than my veggies and dip.

As I look forward to longer nights, warmer nights, and hopefully clear nights, I’m ready to make this summer one of the best–full of friends from all over–new and old.


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